WebObjects 5.2.3

Uses of Class

Packages that use NSDictionary
com.webobjects.appserver Provides the WebObjects application server, session management classes, component classes, and classes to manage the request-response loop. 
com.webobjects.directtoweb Provides the framework for rapid development of HTML-based WebObjects applications. 
com.webobjects.eoaccess Provides the data access mechanisms for the Enterprise Objects technology. 
com.webobjects.eoapplication Provides application logic utility classes to the client side of Java Client applications. 
com.webobjects.eocontrol Provides infrastructure for creating and manging enterprise objects. 
com.webobjects.eodistribution Provides the communication mechanism between the client and server components of Java Client applications. 
com.webobjects.eodistribution.client Provides the communication mechanism between the client and server components of Java Client applications. 
com.webobjects.eogeneration Provides infrastructure for dynamically generating complete user interfaces in Java Client applications from XML descriptions of controller hierarchies. 
com.webobjects.eogeneration.rules Provides infrastructure for dynamically generating user interfaces in Java Client applications that use the rule system. 
com.webobjects.eointerface Provides the infrastructure to display data for the control layer in a desktop application's user interface. 
com.webobjects.foundation Provides a set of robust and mature core classes, including utility, collection, key-value coding, time and date, notification, and debug logging classes. 
com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor Provides an implementation of an Enterprise Objects adaptor for JDBC data sources. 
com.webobjects.jndiadaptor Provides an implementation of an Enterprise Objects Frameworks adaptor for JNDI data sources. 
com.webobjects.webservices.client Provides classes that can be used to create a client to consume Web services provided by other applications. 
com.webobjects.webservices.support.xml Provides serializers and deserializers for the WebObjects Web services feature. 
com.webobjects.woextensions The WebObjects Extensions are non-synchronizing reusable components defined in the WebObjects Extensions Framework, which is included in every WebObjects Application project. 

Uses of NSDictionary in com.webobjects.appserver

Methods in com.webobjects.appserver that return NSDictionary
 NSDictionary WOStatisticsStore.statistics()
          Gets a dictionary containing the statistics that the WOStatisticsStore records.
 NSDictionary WORequest.cookieValues()
          Returns an NSDictionary containing the values for all cookies in the request.
 NSDictionary WORequest.formValues()
          Returns an NSDictionary containing all of the form data with names for keys and NSArrays containing the value(s) associated with those keys for values.
 NSDictionary WOMultipartIterator.multipartHeaders()
          Returns the parsed values from the content-type header of the WORequest.
 NSDictionary WOMultipartIterator.WOFormData.contentDispositionHeaders()
          Returns the sub-headers dictionary for the content-disposition header.
 NSDictionary WOMultipartIterator.WOFormData.headers()
          Returns the headers dictionary for this form data.
 NSDictionary WOMessage.headers()
          Returns an NSDictionary containing the WOMessage's HTTP headers.
 NSDictionary WOMessage.userInfo()
          Return the userInfo dictionary.
 NSDictionary WODisplayGroup.insertedObjectDefaultValues()
          Provides the dictionary of default values added to empty objects that are inserted into the WODisplayGroup's dataSource.
 NSDictionary WOApplication.statistics()
          Returns a copy of the dictionary containing the application statistics maintained by WOStatisticsStore.

Methods in com.webobjects.appserver with parameters of type NSDictionary
 void WOMessage.setHeaders(NSDictionary headerDictionary)
          Sets the HTTP headers in the receiver to the contents of the supplied NSDictionary object.
 void WOMessage.setUserInfo(NSDictionary aDictionary)
          Sets a dictionary in the WOMessage object that can contain, as a convenience, any kind of information related to the current response.
 void WODisplayGroup.setInsertedObjectDefaultValues(NSDictionary defaultValues)
          Changes the dictionary of default values added to empty objects that are inserted into the WODisplayGroup.
 String WOContext.directActionURLForActionNamed(String anActionName, NSDictionary aQueryDict)
          Returns a complete URL for the specified action.
 WOAdaptor WOApplication.adaptorWithName(String aClassName, NSDictionary anArgsDictionary)
          Invoked in the constructor to create an adaptor.
 WORequest WOApplication.createRequest(String aMethod, String aURL, String anHTTPVersion, NSDictionary someHeaders, NSData aContent, NSDictionary someInfo)
          Convenience method that instantiates and returns a new WORequest object.
 WOElement WOApplication.dynamicElementWithName(String aName, NSDictionary someAssociations, WOElement anElement, NSArray aLanguageArray)
          Creates and returns a WOElement object based on the element's name, a dictionary of associations, and a template of WOElements.
 WOResponse WOApplication.responseForComponentWithName(String name, NSDictionary bindings, NSDictionary headers, NSDictionary userInfo, String uriPrefix, String appName)
          Returns a WOResponse for the WOComponent named name, using bindings.
 WOResponse WOApplication.responseForDirectActionWithNameAndClass(String actionName, String className, NSDictionary formValueDict, InputStream contentStream, NSDictionary headers, NSDictionary userInfo, String uriPrefix, String appName)
          Returns a WOResponse for the Direct Action actionName in the class named className (optional).

Constructors in com.webobjects.appserver with parameters of type NSDictionary
WORequest(String aMethod, String aURL, String anHTTPVersion, NSDictionary someHeaders, NSData aContent, NSDictionary aDictionary)
          Returns a WORequest object initialized with the specified parameters.
WODynamicElement(String aName, NSDictionary associations, WOElement template)
          Returns a dynamic element identified by class aName and initialized with the objects in dictionary associations.
WOAdaptor(String aName, NSDictionary arguments)
           Initializes a WOAdaptor with the name aName and arguments arguments.

Uses of NSDictionary in com.webobjects.directtoweb

Methods in com.webobjects.directtoweb that return NSDictionary
static NSDictionary Services.dictionaryFromFile(File f)
static NSDictionary Services.dictionaryFromPathURL(URL url)
 NSDictionary D2WTabInspectPage.tabContents()
          This method is intentionally undocumented.
 NSDictionary D2WSwitchComponent.extraBindings()
          Gets the extra bindings.
 NSDictionary D2WSwitchComponent.settings()
          Gets the settings with the display properties.
protected  NSDictionary D2WModel.encodeWebAssistantRulesWithKeyValueArchiver(EOKeyValueArchiver archiver)
          Encodes the Web Assistant rules with the specified key-value archiver.
 NSDictionary D2WContext.valuesForKeys(NSArray keys)
          This is an intentionally undocumented private use method.
 NSDictionary D2WContext.valuesForKeysWithMapping(NSDictionary mapping)
          This is an intentionally undocumented private use method.

Methods in com.webobjects.directtoweb with parameters of type NSDictionary
static void Services.writeDictionaryToFile(NSDictionary d, File f)
 EOQualifier NonNullQualifier.qualifierWithBindings(NSDictionary bindings, boolean requiresAll)
static String D2WUtils.urlFromUrlAndFormValues(String currentUrl, NSDictionary formValues)
 void D2WContext.takeValuesFromDictionary(NSDictionary dict)
          This is an intentionally undocumented private use method.
 void D2WContext.takeValuesFromDictionaryWithMapping(NSDictionary dictionary, NSDictionary mapping)
          This is an intentionally undocumented private use method.
 NSDictionary D2WContext.valuesForKeysWithMapping(NSDictionary mapping)
          This is an intentionally undocumented private use method.
 EOQualifier BooleanQualifier.qualifierWithBindings(NSDictionary bindings, boolean requiresAll)

Uses of NSDictionary in com.webobjects.eoaccess

Methods in com.webobjects.eoaccess that return NSDictionary
static NSDictionary EOUtilities.destinationKeyForSourceObject(EOEditingContext ec, EOEnterpriseObject object, String name)
          Returns the foreign key for the rows at the destination of the specified relationship.
static NSDictionary EOUtilities.executeStoredProcedureNamed(EOEditingContext ec, String name, NSDictionary args)
          Executes the specified stored procedure with the provided arguments.
static NSDictionary EOUtilities.primaryKeyForObject(EOEditingContext ec, EOEnterpriseObject object)
          Returns the primary key dictionary for the specified Enterprise Object.
 NSDictionary EOSynchronizationFactory.objectStoreChangesFromAttributeToAttribute(EOAttribute schemaAttribute, EOAttribute modelAttribute)
 NSDictionary EOStoredProcedure.userInfo()
          Returns a dictionary of user data.
 NSDictionary EOSchemaSynchronization.objectStoreChangesFromAttributeToAttribute(EOAttribute schemaAttribute, EOAttribute modelAttribute)
          Compares schemaAttribute with modelAttribute and returns a change dictionary of state that is different between the the two.
 NSDictionary EORelationship.userInfo()
          Returns a dictionary of user data.
 NSDictionary EOModel.connectionDictionary()
          Returns a dictionary containing information used to connect to the database server.
 NSDictionary EOModel.userInfo()
          Returns a dictionary of user data.
 NSDictionary EOGeneralAdaptorException.userInfo()
          Returns the dictionary of arbitrary user information associated with the receiver.
 NSDictionary EOEntity.primaryKeyForGlobalID(EOGlobalID gid)
          Returns the primary key for the object identified by gid, or null if gid is not an instance of EOKeyGlobalID.
 NSDictionary EOEntity.primaryKeyForRow(NSDictionary row)
          Returns the primary key for row, or null if the primary key can't be computed.
 NSDictionary EOEntity.userInfo()
          Returns a dictionary of user data.
 NSDictionary EODatabaseOperation.dbSnapshot()
          Returns the database snapshot for the receiver's Enterprise Object.
 NSDictionary EODatabaseOperation.primaryKeyDiffs()
          Returns a dictionary that contains any primary key values in newRow that are different from those in the object's database snapshot.
 NSDictionary EODatabaseOperation.rowDiffs()
          Returns the values in the receiver's newRow dictionary that are different than the corresponding values in its dbSnapshot, in other words, the new values for its Enterprise Object.
 NSDictionary EODatabaseOperation.rowDiffsForAttributes(NSArray atts)
          Returns the values for the EOAttributes of the receiver's Enterprise Object specified in atts that are new or updated relative to the object's database snapshot.
 NSDictionary EODatabaseOperation.toManySnapshots()
          Returns the NSDictionary containing the snapshots for the to-many relationships of the receiver's Enterprise Object.
 NSDictionary EODatabaseDataSource.qualifierBindings()
          Returns a dictionary of bindings to be used for variable replacement on the fetch specification's qualifier and the auxiliary qualifier before the fetch is executed.
 NSDictionary EODatabaseContext.localSnapshotForGlobalID(EOGlobalID gid)
          Returns the snapshot for the object identified by gid, if there is one, otherwise returns null.
 NSDictionary EODatabaseContext.snapshotForGlobalID(EOGlobalID gid)
          Returns the snapshot associated with gid or null if there isn't one.
 NSDictionary EODatabaseContext.snapshotForGlobalID(EOGlobalID gid, long timestamp)
          Returns the snapshot for the Enterprise Object identified by the globalID gid, provided the snapshot's timestamp is greater than or equal to timestamp.
 NSDictionary EODatabaseContext.valuesForKeys(NSArray keys, EOEnterpriseObject object)
          Returns values for the specified keys from the snapshot of object.
 NSDictionary EODatabaseContext.Delegate.databaseContextNewPrimaryKey(EODatabaseContext dbCtxt, Object object, EOEntity entity)
          Invoked if the newly inserted Enterprise Object object doesn't have a primary key set.
 NSDictionary EODatabaseContext.Delegate.databaseContextShouldUpdateCurrentSnapshot(EODatabaseContext dbCtxt, NSDictionary dic, NSDictionary dic2, EOGlobalID gid, EODatabaseChannel dbChannel)
          Invoked from the EODatabaseChannel method fetchObject when the database context already has a snapshot for a row fetched from the database.
 NSDictionary EODatabase.snapshotForGlobalID(EOGlobalID gid)
          Returns the snapshot for the Enterprise Object identified by the globalID gid, or null if there isn't a snapshot.
 NSDictionary EODatabase.snapshotForGlobalID(EOGlobalID gid, long timestamp)
          Returns the snapshot for the Enterprise Object identified by the globalID gid, provided the snapshot's timestamp is greater than or equal to timestamp.
 NSDictionary EODatabase.snapshots()
          Returns a dictionary of all of the receiver's snapshots, keyed by globalID.
 NSDictionary EOAttribute.userInfo()
          Returns a dictionary of user data.
 NSDictionary EOAdaptorOperation.changedValues()
          Returns the dictionary of values that need to be updated, inserted, or compared for locking purposes.
 NSDictionary EOAdaptorChannel.primaryKeyForNewRowWithEntity(EOEntity entity)
          Deprecated. Use the plural version, primaryKeysForNewRowsWithEntity instead.
abstract  NSDictionary EOAdaptorChannel.returnValuesForLastStoredProcedureInvocation()
          An abstract method that should be implemented by subclasses to return values from the execution of a stored procedure.
 NSDictionary EOAdaptorChannel.Delegate.adaptorChannelShouldConstructStoredProcedureReturnValues(EOAdaptorChannel channel)
          Invoked from returnValuesForLastStoredProcedureInvocation to tell the delegate that object is constructing return values for the last stored procedure evaluated.
 NSDictionary EOAdaptorChannel.Delegate.adaptorChannelShouldExecuteStoredProcedure(EOAdaptorChannel channel, EOStoredProcedure storedProcedure, NSDictionary values)
          Invoked from executeStoredProcedure to tell the delegate that the adaptor channel object is executing storedProcedure with the arguments in values.
 NSDictionary EOAdaptorChannel.Delegate.adaptorChannelShouldReturnValuesForStoredProcedure(EOAdaptorChannel channel, NSDictionary values)
          Invoked from returnValuesForLastStoredProcedureInvocation to tell the delegate that object is returning values for a stored procedure.
 NSDictionary EOAdaptor.administrativeConnectionDictionaryForAdaptor(EOAdaptor adaptor)
          This method, formerly provided by the EOLoginPanel class, returns null in the default implementation.
 NSDictionary EOAdaptor.connectionDictionary()
          Returns the receiver's connection dictionary, or null if the adaptor doesn't have one.
 NSDictionary EOAdaptor.Delegate.reconnectionDictionaryForAdaptor(EOAdaptor adaptor)
          Creates a new connection dictionary for the adaptor.

Methods in com.webobjects.eoaccess with parameters of type NSDictionary
static void EOUtilities.connectWithModelNamed(EOEditingContext ec, String name, NSDictionary overrides)
          Connects to the database using the connection information in the specified model augmented by the overrides dictionary.
static NSDictionary EOUtilities.executeStoredProcedureNamed(EOEditingContext ec, String name, NSDictionary args)
          Executes the specified stored procedure with the provided arguments.
static EOEnterpriseObject EOUtilities.faultWithPrimaryKey(EOEditingContext ec, String entityName, NSDictionary pkDict)
          Returns the Enterprise Object identified by the specified primary key dictionary.
static EOEnterpriseObject EOUtilities.objectFromRawRow(EOEditingContext ec, String name, NSDictionary row)
          Fetches the object corresponding to the specified raw row (using faultForRawRow).
static EOEnterpriseObject EOUtilities.objectMatchingValues(EOEditingContext ec, String name, NSDictionary values)
          Creates EOKeyValueQualifiers for each key-value pair in the specified dictionary, ANDs these qualifiers together into an EOAndQualifier, and returns the matching Enterprise Object.
static EOEnterpriseObject EOUtilities.objectWithFetchSpecificationAndBindings(EOEditingContext ec, String entityName, String fetchSpecName, NSDictionary bindings)
          Fetches the Enterprise Object retrieved with the specified fetch specification and bindings.
static EOEnterpriseObject EOUtilities.objectWithPrimaryKey(EOEditingContext ec, String entityName, NSDictionary pkDict)
          Fetches the Enterprise Object identified by the specified primary key dictionary.
static NSArray EOUtilities.objectsMatchingValues(EOEditingContext ec, String name, NSDictionary values)
          Creates EOKeyValueQualifiers for each key-value pair in the specified dictionary, ANDs these qualifiers together into an EOAndQualifier, and returns matching Enterprise Objects.
static NSArray EOUtilities.objectsWithFetchSpecificationAndBindings(EOEditingContext ec, String entityName, String fetchSpecName, NSDictionary bindings)
          Fetches the Enterprise Objects retrieved with the specified fetch specification and bindings.
static NSArray EOUtilities.rawRowsForStoredProcedureNamed(EOEditingContext ec, String name, NSDictionary args)
          Executes the specified stored procedure with the provided arguments and returns the resulting raw rows.
static NSArray EOUtilities.rawRowsMatchingValues(EOEditingContext ec, String name, NSDictionary values)
          Creates EOKeyValueQualifiers for each key-value pair in the specified dictionary, ANDs these qualifiers together into an EOAndQualifier, and returns matching raw rows.
 NSArray EOSynchronizationFactory.createDatabaseStatementsForConnectionDictionary(NSDictionary connectionDictionary, NSDictionary administrativeConnectionDictionary)
          The default implementation returns null.
 NSArray EOSynchronizationFactory.dropDatabaseStatementsForConnectionDictionary(NSDictionary connectionDictionary, NSDictionary administrativeConnectionDictionary)
          The default implementation returns null.
 boolean EOSynchronizationFactory.isColumnTypeEquivalentToColumnType(EOSchemaSynchronization.ColumnTypes candidate, EOSchemaSynchronization.ColumnTypes columnType, NSDictionary options)
          Returns true if the name, precision, width, and scale of candidate are identical to the name, precision, width, and scale of columnType, false otherwise.
 NSArray EOSynchronizationFactory.logicalErrorsInChangeDictionaryForModelOptions(NSDictionary changes, EOModel model, NSDictionary options)
          Steps through the change dictionary changes and returns an array of strings identifying all the columns and their tables where the allows NULL rule has been changed in the corresponding model to disallow NULL values, but the database still contains such values.
 String EOSynchronizationFactory.phraseCastingColumnNamed(String columnName, EOSchemaSynchronization.ColumnTypes type, EOSchemaSynchronization.ColumnTypes castType, NSDictionary options)
          The default implementation returns columnName.
 String EOSynchronizationFactory.schemaCreationScriptForEntities(NSArray allEntities, NSDictionary options)
          Returns a script of SQL statements suitable to create the schema based on options for the EOEntity objects in allEntities.
 NSArray EOSynchronizationFactory.schemaCreationStatementsForEntities(NSArray allEntities, NSDictionary options)
          Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions suitable to create the schema based on options for the EOEntity objects in allEntities.
 NSArray EOSynchronizationFactory.statementsToConvertColumnType(String columnName, String tableName, EOSchemaSynchronization.ColumnTypes type, EOSchemaSynchronization.ColumnTypes newType, NSDictionary options)
          The default implementation returns null.
 NSArray EOSynchronizationFactory.statementsToCopyTableNamed(String tableName, NSArray entityGroup, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
 NSArray EOSynchronizationFactory.statementsToDeleteColumnNamed(String columnName, String tableName, NSDictionary options)
          The default implementation returns null.
 NSArray EOSynchronizationFactory.statementsToDropForeignKeyConstraintsOnEntityGroups(NSArray entityGroups, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
 NSArray EOSynchronizationFactory.statementsToDropPrimaryKeyConstraintsOnEntityGroups(NSArray entityGroups, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
 NSArray EOSynchronizationFactory.statementsToDropPrimaryKeySupportForEntityGroups(NSArray entityGroups, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
 NSArray EOSynchronizationFactory.statementsToImplementForeignKeyConstraintsOnEntityGroups(NSArray entityGroups, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
 NSArray EOSynchronizationFactory.statementsToImplementPrimaryKeyConstraintsOnEntityGroups(NSArray entityGroups, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
 NSArray EOSynchronizationFactory.statementsToImplementPrimaryKeySupportForEntityGroups(NSArray entityGroups, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
 NSArray EOSynchronizationFactory.statementsToInsertColumnForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute, NSDictionary options)
 NSArray EOSynchronizationFactory.statementsToModifyColumnNullRule(String columnName, String tableName, boolean allowsNull, NSDictionary options)
          Returns null by default.
 NSArray EOSynchronizationFactory.statementsToRenameColumnNamed(String columnName, String tableName, String newName, NSDictionary options)
          The default implementation returns null.
 NSArray EOSynchronizationFactory.statementsToRenameTableNamed(String tableName, String newName, NSDictionary options)
 NSArray EOSynchronizationFactory.statementsToUpdateObjectStoreForEntityGroups(NSArray entityGroups, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
          Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions to update the database table that corresponds to entityGroups according to the changes and SQL generation instructions in the changes and options dictionaries.
 NSArray EOSynchronizationFactory.statementsToUpdateObjectStoreForModel(EOModel model, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
 void EOStoredProcedure.awakeWithPropertyList(NSDictionary propertyList)
          The second phase in a two-phase creation process of a model.
 void EOStoredProcedure.setUserInfo(NSDictionary dictionary)
          Sets the dictionary of auxiliary data, which your application can use for whatever it needs.
 EOQualifier EOSQLQualifier.qualifierWithBindings(NSDictionary bindings, boolean requiresAll)
 EOSQLExpression EOSQLExpressionFactory.insertStatementForRow(NSDictionary row, EOEntity entity)
          Creates and returns an SQL INSERT expression to insert row.
 EOSQLExpression EOSQLExpressionFactory.updateStatementForRow(NSDictionary row, EOQualifier qualifier, EOEntity entity)
          Creates and returns an SQL UPDATE expression to update the row identified by qualifier with the values in row.
 void EOSQLExpression.addBindVariableDictionary(NSDictionary binding)
          Adds binding to this object's array of bind variable dictionaries.
 String EOSQLExpression.assembleInsertStatementWithRow(NSDictionary row, String tableList, String columnList, String valueList)
          This method is invoked from prepareInsertExpressionWithRow to return an SQL INSERT statement.
 String EOSQLExpression.assembleUpdateStatementWithRow(NSDictionary row, EOQualifier qualifier, String tableList, String updateList, String whereClause)
          This method is invoked from prepareUpdateExpressionWithRow to return an SQL UPDATE statement.
 void EOSQLExpression.prepareInsertExpressionWithRow(NSDictionary row)
          Generates an INSERT statement.
 void EOSQLExpression.prepareUpdateExpressionWithRow(NSDictionary row, EOQualifier qualifier)
          Generates an UPDATE statement.
 boolean EOSchemaSynchronization.isColumnTypeEquivalentToColumnType(EOSchemaSynchronization.ColumnTypes candidate, EOSchemaSynchronization.ColumnTypes columnType, NSDictionary options)
          Returns true if the name, precision, width, and scale of candidate are identical to the name, precision, width, and scale of columnType, false otherwise.
 String EOSchemaSynchronization.phraseCastingColumnNamed(String columnName, EOSchemaSynchronization.ColumnTypes type, EOSchemaSynchronization.ColumnTypes castType, NSDictionary options)
          Returns an SQL string to cast the values in the column identified by columnName from the current type to a new type specified by castType.
 NSArray EOSchemaSynchronization.statementsToConvertColumnType(String columnName, String tableName, EOSchemaSynchronization.ColumnTypes type, EOSchemaSynchronization.ColumnTypes newType, NSDictionary options)
          Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions to convert in place of the type of the column indentifed by columnName in the table identified by tableName from the current type to the type specified by newType.
 NSArray EOSchemaSynchronization.statementsToCopyTableNamed(String tableName, NSArray entityGroup, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
          Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions to copy the specified table into a new table, whose definition is provided by entityGroup, an array of EOEntity objects with the same external name.
 NSArray EOSchemaSynchronization.statementsToDeleteColumnNamed(String columnName, String tableName, NSDictionary options)
          Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions to delete the column indentifed by columnName from the table identified by tableName.
 NSArray EOSchemaSynchronization.statementsToDropForeignKeyConstraintsOnEntityGroups(NSArray entityGroups, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
          Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions to drop foreign key constraints for the table corresponding to entityGroups, which is an array containing arrays of EOEntity objects with the same external name.
 NSArray EOSchemaSynchronization.statementsToDropPrimaryKeyConstraintsOnEntityGroups(NSArray entityGroups, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
          Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions to drop primary key constraints for the table corresponding to entityGroups, which is an array containing arrays of EOEntity objects with the same external name.
 NSArray EOSchemaSynchronization.statementsToDropPrimaryKeySupportForEntityGroups(NSArray entityGroups, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
          Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions to drop primary key support for the table corresponding to entityGroups, which is an array containing arrays of EOEntity objects with the same external name.
 NSArray EOSchemaSynchronization.statementsToImplementForeignKeyConstraintsOnEntityGroups(NSArray entityGroups, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
          Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions to implement foreign key constraints for the table corresponding to entityGroups, which is an array containing arrays of EOEntity objects with the same external name.
 NSArray EOSchemaSynchronization.statementsToImplementPrimaryKeyConstraintsOnEntityGroups(NSArray entityGroups, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
          Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions to implement primary key constraints for the table corresponding to entityGroups, which is an array containing arrays of EOEntity objects with the same external name.
 NSArray EOSchemaSynchronization.statementsToImplementPrimaryKeySupportForEntityGroups(NSArray entityGroups, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
          Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions to implement primary key support for the table corresponding to entityGroups, which is an array containing arrays of EOEntity objects with the same external name.
 NSArray EOSchemaSynchronization.statementsToInsertColumnForAttribute(EOAttribute attribute, NSDictionary options)
          Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions to insert a column in the database schema for the specified attribute.
 NSArray EOSchemaSynchronization.statementsToModifyColumnNullRule(String columnName, String tableName, boolean allowsNull, NSDictionary options)
          Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions to modify in place the column identified by columnName in the table identified by tableName to either allow or not allow NULL values as specified by allowsNull.
 NSArray EOSchemaSynchronization.statementsToRenameColumnNamed(String columnName, String tableName, String newName, NSDictionary options)
          Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions to rename in place of the the column indentifed by in the table identified by tableName to newName.
 NSArray EOSchemaSynchronization.statementsToRenameTableNamed(String tableName, String newName, NSDictionary options)
          Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions to rename in place the the table indentifed by tableName to newName.
 NSArray EOSchemaSynchronization.statementsToUpdateObjectStoreForEntityGroups(NSArray model, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
          Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions to update the database table that corresponds to model according to the changes and SQL generation instructions in the changes and options dictionaries.
 NSArray EOSchemaSynchronization.statementsToUpdateObjectStoreForModel(EOModel model, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
          Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions to synchronize the database with the EOModel model.
 NSArray EOSchemaGeneration.createDatabaseStatementsForConnectionDictionary(NSDictionary connectionDictionary, NSDictionary administrativeConnectionDictionary)
          Generates and returns an array of EOSQLExpressions containing the SQL statements to create a database or user that can be accessed by the provided connectionDictionary and administrativeConnectionDictionary.
 NSArray EOSchemaGeneration.dropDatabaseStatementsForConnectionDictionary(NSDictionary connectionDictionary, NSDictionary administrativeConnectionDictionary)
          Generates and returns an array of EOSQLExpressions that define the SQL statements to drop a database or user that is accessed by the provided connectionDictionary and administrativeConnectionDictionary.
 String EOSchemaGeneration.schemaCreationScriptForEntities(NSArray allEntities, NSDictionary options)
          Returns a script of SQL statements suitable to create the schema based on options for the EOEntity objects in allEntities.
 NSArray EOSchemaGeneration.schemaCreationStatementsForEntities(NSArray allEntities, NSDictionary options)
          Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions suitable to create the schema based on options for the EOEntity objects in allEntities.
 void EORelationship.awakeWithPropertyList(NSDictionary plist)
          Finishes initializing the receiver from plist.
 EOQualifier EORelationship.qualifierWithSourceRow(NSDictionary sourceRow)
          Returns a qualifier that can be used to fetch the destination of the receiving relationship given sourceRow.
 void EORelationship.setUserInfo(NSDictionary dictionary)
          Sets the dictionary of auxiliary data, which the application can use for whatever it needs.
 void EOPropertyListEncoding.awakeWithPropertyList(NSDictionary dic)
          Finishes initializing the receiver from the property list dic, restoring references to other objects.
 EORelationship EOModelGroup.Delegate.relationshipForRow(EOEntity entity, NSDictionary dictionary, EORelationship relationship)
          Invoked when relationships are instantiated for a newly fetched object.
 EOEntity EOModelGroup.Delegate.subEntityForEntity(EOEntity entity, NSDictionary dic)
          Allows the delegate to fine-tune inheritance by returning the sub-entity of entity from which an object should be fetched based on the primary key in dic.
 void EOModel.setConnectionDictionary(NSDictionary connectionDictionary)
          Sets the dictionary containing information used to connect to the database to connectionDictionary.
 void EOModel.setUserInfo(NSDictionary dictionary)
          Sets the receiver's userInfo dictionary to dictionary.
 void EOEntity.awakeWithPropertyList(NSDictionary pl)
          EOEntity's implementation of this method does nothing.
 EOGlobalID EOEntity.globalIDForRow(NSDictionary row)
          Constructs a unique global identifier for the receiver from the keys and values in the dictionary row, which represents a database row.
 NSDictionary EOEntity.primaryKeyForRow(NSDictionary row)
          Returns the primary key for row, or null if the primary key can't be computed.
 EOQualifier EOEntity.qualifierForPrimaryKey(NSDictionary row)
          Returns a qualifier for the receiver that can be used to fetch an instance of the receiver with the primary key extracted from row.
 void EOEntity.setUserInfo(NSDictionary dictionary)
          Sets the dictionary of auxiliary user data to dictionary.
 void EODatabaseOperation.setDBSnapshot(NSDictionary dbSnapshot)
          Sets the snapshot for the receiver's Enterprise Object.
 void EODatabaseDataSource.setQualifierBindings(NSDictionary bindings)
          Sets a dictionary of bindings to be used for variable replacement on the fetch specification's qualifier and the auxiliary qualifier before the fetch is executed.
 EOEnterpriseObject EODatabaseContext.faultForRawRow(NSDictionary row, String entityName, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Returns a fault for a raw row.
static EODatabaseContext EODatabaseContext.forceConnectionWithModel(EOModel model, NSDictionary overrides, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Forces the stack of objects in the EOAccess layer to be instantiated, if necessary, and then makes a connection to the database.
 void EODatabaseContext.recordSnapshotForGlobalID(NSDictionary snapshot, EOGlobalID gid)
          Records snapshot under the globalID gid.
 void EODatabaseContext.recordSnapshots(NSDictionary snapshots)
          Records the snapshots in snapshots, which is a dictionary whose keys are globalIDs and whose values are the snapshots for the enterprise objects identified by those globalIDs.
 void EODatabaseContext.recordToManySnapshots(NSDictionary snapshots)
          Records a collection of to-many snapshots from a dictionary keyed by globalID.
 void EODatabaseContext.recordUpdateForObject(EOEnterpriseObject object, NSDictionary changes)
          Applies changes supplied from another EOCooperatingObjectStore (through the EOObjectStoreCoordinator) to the database operation for object in the receiver.
 boolean EODatabaseContext.Delegate.databaseContextShouldInvalidateObjectWithGlobalID(EODatabaseContext dbCtxt, EOGlobalID gid, NSDictionary dic)
          Invoked from invalidateObjectsWithGlobalIDs .
 boolean EODatabaseContext.Delegate.databaseContextShouldLockObjectWithGlobalID(EODatabaseContext dbCtxt, EOGlobalID gid, NSDictionary dic)
          Invoked from lockObjectWithGlobalID.
 NSDictionary EODatabaseContext.Delegate.databaseContextShouldUpdateCurrentSnapshot(EODatabaseContext dbCtxt, NSDictionary dic, NSDictionary dic2, EOGlobalID gid, EODatabaseChannel dbChannel)
          Invoked from the EODatabaseChannel method fetchObject when the database context already has a snapshot for a row fetched from the database.
 void EODatabase.recordSnapshotForGlobalID(NSDictionary snapshot, EOGlobalID gid)
          Records snapshot for the Enterprise Object identified by the globalID gid.
 void EODatabase.recordSnapshots(NSDictionary snapshots)
          Records the snapshots in snapshots, which is a dictionary whose keys are globalIDs and whose values are the snapshots for the Enterprise Objects identified by those globalIDs.
 void EODatabase.recordToManySnapshots(NSDictionary snapshots)
          Records a collection of to-many snapshots from a dictionary keyed by globalID.
 void EOAttribute.awakeWithPropertyList(NSDictionary plist)
          Finishes initializing the receiver from plist.
 void EOAttribute.setUserInfo(NSDictionary dictionary)
          Sets the dictionary of auxiliary data associated with the attribute to dictionary.
 void EOAdaptorOperation.setChangedValues(NSDictionary changedValues)
          Sets the dictionary of values that need to be updated, inserted, or compared for locking purposes.
abstract  void EOAdaptorChannel.executeStoredProcedure(EOStoredProcedure storedProcedure, NSDictionary values)
          An abstract method that should be implemented by subclasses to execute storedProcedure.
abstract  void EOAdaptorChannel.insertRow(NSDictionary row, EOEntity entity)
          An abstract method that should be implemented by subclasses to insert the values of row into the table in the database that corresponds to entity.
 void EOAdaptorChannel.lockRowComparingAttributes(NSArray atts, EOEntity entity, EOQualifier qualifier, NSDictionary snapshot)
          Attempts to lock a row in the database by selecting it with locking on.
 void EOAdaptorChannel.updateValuesInRowDescribedByQualifier(NSDictionary row, EOQualifier qualifier, EOEntity entity)
          Updates the row described by qualifier with the new values in row.
abstract  int EOAdaptorChannel.updateValuesInRowsDescribedByQualifier(NSDictionary row, EOQualifier qualifier, EOEntity entity)
          An abstract method that should be implemented by subclasses to update the rows described by qualifier with the values in row.
 void EOAdaptorChannel.Delegate.adaptorChannelDidExecuteStoredProcedure(EOAdaptorChannel channel, EOStoredProcedure storedProcedure, NSDictionary values)
          Invoked from executeStoredProcedure after storedProcedure is executed successfully with the arguments in values.
 NSDictionary EOAdaptorChannel.Delegate.adaptorChannelShouldExecuteStoredProcedure(EOAdaptorChannel channel, EOStoredProcedure storedProcedure, NSDictionary values)
          Invoked from executeStoredProcedure to tell the delegate that the adaptor channel object is executing storedProcedure with the arguments in values.
 NSDictionary EOAdaptorChannel.Delegate.adaptorChannelShouldReturnValuesForStoredProcedure(EOAdaptorChannel channel, NSDictionary values)
          Invoked from returnValuesForLastStoredProcedureInvocation to tell the delegate that object is returning values for a stored procedure.
 void EOAdaptor.createDatabaseWithAdministrativeConnectionDictionary(NSDictionary administrativeConnectionDictionary)
          Uses the administrative login information to create the database defined by administrativeConnectionDictionary.
 void EOAdaptor.dropDatabaseWithAdministrativeConnectionDictionary(NSDictionary administrativeConnectionDictionary)
          Uses the administrative login information to drop the database defined by the administrativeConnectionDictionary.
 void EOAdaptor.setConnectionDictionary(NSDictionary dictionary)
          Sets the adaptor's connection dictionary to dictionary, which must only contain String, NSData, NSDictionary, and NSArray objects.

Constructors in com.webobjects.eoaccess with parameters of type NSDictionary
EOStoredProcedure(NSDictionary propertyList, Object owner)
          Creates a new EOStoredProcedure from a property list.
EORelationship(NSDictionary plist, EOEntity owner)
          Creates and returns a new EORelationship initialized from plist-a dictionary containing only property list data types (that is, NSDictionaries, Strings, NSArrays, and NSData).
EOModel(NSDictionary propertyList, String path)
EOModel(NSDictionary propertyList, URL url)
EOGeneralAdaptorException(String name, NSDictionary userInfo)
          Constructs a EOGeneralAdaptorException with the specified name and a userInfo dictionary of additional information.
EOEntity(NSDictionary plist, Object owner)
          Creates and returns a new EOEntity initialized from the property list plist belonging to the EOModel owner.
EOAttribute(NSDictionary plist, Object owner)
          Creates an EOAttribute object with the state specified in plist whose parent is owner.

Uses of NSDictionary in com.webobjects.eoapplication

Methods in com.webobjects.eoapplication that return NSDictionary
 NSDictionary EOXMLUnarchiver.decodeDictionaryForKey(String key)
          Returns an NSDictionary specified as child in the XML with the name key or null if key is not specified in the XML.
 NSDictionary EOXMLUnarchiver.decodeDictionaryForKey(String key, NSDictionary defaultValueIfNotAvailable)
          Returns an NSDictionary specified as child in the XML with the name key or defaultValueIfNotAvailable if key is not specified in the XML.
protected  NSDictionary EOUserFileDefaults.loadPersistentValues()
          Tries to load the persistent user defaults from the file system.
 NSDictionary EODefaults.allValues()
          Returns a dictionary with all key/value pairs stored in the defaults manager (both transient and persistent values).
protected  NSDictionary EODefaults.loadPersistentValues()
          Loads the persistent user defaults.
 NSDictionary EOController.additionalKeyValuePairs()
          Returns an NSDictionary of additional key-value pairs used by handleQueryWithUnboundKey().
static NSDictionary EOArchive.loadArchiveNamed(String archiveName, Object owner, String archivePackageName, NSDisposableRegistry registry)
          Loads an archive.
 NSDictionary EOArchive.namedObjects()
          Returns a dictionary with all named objects loaded from the archive.
 NSDictionary EOApplication.arguments()
          Returns all of the application's arguments in a dictionary.

Methods in com.webobjects.eoapplication with parameters of type NSDictionary
 NSDictionary EOXMLUnarchiver.decodeDictionaryForKey(String key, NSDictionary defaultValueIfNotAvailable)
          Returns an NSDictionary specified as child in the XML with the name key or defaultValueIfNotAvailable if key is not specified in the XML.
static Object EOXMLUnarchiver.decodeRootObject(NSDictionary rootObjectValues)
          Decodes the top object in an XML description, which is represented by an NSDictionary.
protected  void EOUserFileDefaults.savePersistentValues(NSDictionary values)
          Saves the persistent user defaults in the file system.
protected  void EOEntityController.controllerDidLoadArchive(NSDictionary namedObjects)
          Invoked from loadArchive to notify the receiver that its interface file has been loaded completely.
protected  void EODefaults.savePersistentValues(NSDictionary values)
          Saves the persistent user defaults.
 EOController EOController.controllerWithKeyValuePairs(int enumerationType, Class controllerInterface, NSDictionary keyValuePairs)
          Traverses the controller hierarchy, and returns the first controller in the hierarchy which matches all key-value pairs in keyValuePairs.
 NSArray EOController.controllersWithKeyValuePairs(int enumerationType, Class controllerInterface, NSDictionary keyValuePairs)
          Traverses the controller hierarchy, and returns all controllers in the hierarchy which match all key/value pairs in keyValuePairs.
 void EOController.setAdditionalKeyValuePairs(NSDictionary dictionary)
          Sets NSDictionary, dictionary, of key-value pairs for use in handleQueryWithUnboundKey()
protected  void EOArchiveController.controllerDidLoadArchive(NSDictionary namedObjects)
          Invoked from loadArchive to notify the receiver that its interface file has been loaded completely.
 void EOApplicationSupport.prepareApplication(EOApplication application, NSDictionary arguments)
          Sets the application name and a two-tier specific defaults manager.
 void EOApplicationSupport.prepareClasses(NSDictionary arguments)
          Initializes all NSBundles used by the application and their principal classes.
 void EOApplicationSupport.prepareGlobalObjects(NSDictionary arguments)
          Initializes a two-tier specific data source factory and resource bundle.
static void EOApplication.setArguments(NSDictionary arguments)
          Sets the application's arguments.
static EOApplication EOApplication.startApplication(NSDictionary parameters, EOComponentController initialTopComponentController, EOApplication.ApplicationSupport applicationSupport)
          This method is the primary entry point for starting a Java Client application.
 void EOApplication.ApplicationSupport.finishStartup(NSDictionary arguments)
          Gives the application support object an opportunity to complete the startup sequence of the application before the application starts listening to user events.
 void EOApplication.ApplicationSupport.prepareApplication(EOApplication application, NSDictionary arguments)
          Gives the application support object an opportunity to prepare the application instance, for example to set the name and the default manager.
 void EOApplication.ApplicationSupport.prepareClasses(NSDictionary arguments)
          Gives the application support object an opportunity to initialize principal classes.
 void EOApplication.ApplicationSupport.prepareGlobalObjects(NSDictionary arguments)
          Gives the application support object an opportunity to initialize global objects, for example data source factories and distribution channels.
 void EOApplication.ApplicationSupport.runStartupDialogs(NSDictionary arguments)
          Gives the application support object an opportunity to run startup dialogs, for example to ask for connection URLs.

Constructors in com.webobjects.eoapplication with parameters of type NSDictionary
EOXMLUnarchiver(NSDictionary values)
          Creates a new EOXMLUnarchiver.

Uses of NSDictionary in com.webobjects.eoapplication.client

Methods in com.webobjects.eoapplication.client that return NSDictionary
protected  NSDictionary EORemoteStorageDefaults.loadPersistentValues()
          Tries to load the persistent user defaults from the server.

Methods in com.webobjects.eoapplication.client with parameters of type NSDictionary
protected  void EORemoteStorageDefaults.savePersistentValues(NSDictionary values)
          Saves the persistent user defaults by asking the server to store them.
 EODistributionChannel EOClientApplicationSupport.channelWithParameters(NSDictionary parameters)
          Creates a new distribution channel to be used with the application.
 void EOClientApplicationSupport.prepareApplication(EOApplication application, NSDictionary arguments)
          Sets the application name and a client-side specific defaults manager.
 void EOClientApplicationSupport.prepareClasses(NSDictionary arguments)
          Initializes some client-side principal classes and the distribution channel if that has not already happened.
 void EOClientApplicationSupport.prepareGlobalObjects(NSDictionary arguments)
          Initializes all client-side principal classes and a client-side specific data source factory and resource bundle.
 void EOClientApplicationSupport.runStartupDialogs(NSDictionary arguments)
          If requested with the "runApplicationURLDialog" argument, runs a URL connection dialog to ask for the server URL.

Uses of NSDictionary in com.webobjects.eocontrol

Methods in com.webobjects.eocontrol that return NSDictionary
 NSDictionary EOSharedEditingContext.objectsByEntityName()
          The dictionary keys are entity names and the corresponding values are NSArrays of enterprise objects for that entity.
 NSDictionary EOSharedEditingContext.objectsByEntityNameAndFetchSpecificationName()
          Returns the objects fetched into the receiver with bindObjectsWithFetchSpecification.
 NSDictionary EOObjectStoreCoordinator.userInfo()
          Returns a dictionary of user data.
 NSDictionary EOObjectStoreCoordinator.valuesForKeys(NSArray keys, EOEnterpriseObject object)
          Communicates with the appropriate EOCooperatingObjectStore to get the values identified by keys for object, so that it can then forward them on to another EOCooperatingObjectStore.
 NSDictionary EOKeyValueCodingAdditions.valuesForKeys(NSArray keys)
          Returns a dictionary containing the property values identified by each of keys.
 NSDictionary EOKeyValueCodingAdditions.valuesForKeysWithMapping(NSDictionary mapping)
          Returns a dictionary containing the property values identified by each of the key-value pairs in mapping.
static NSDictionary EOKeyValueCodingAdditions.DefaultImplementation.valuesForKeys(Object object, NSArray keys)
          Returns a dictionary containing the property values of object identified by each of keys.
static NSDictionary EOKeyValueCodingAdditions.DefaultImplementation.valuesForKeysWithMapping(Object object, NSDictionary mapping)
          Returns a dictionary containing the property values of object identified by each of the key-value pairs in mapping.
static NSDictionary EOKeyValueCodingAdditions.Utility.valuesForKeys(Object object, NSArray keys)
          If object implements EOKeyValueCodingAdditions, this method invokes valuesForKeys on object.
static NSDictionary EOKeyValueCodingAdditions.Utility.valuesForKeysWithMapping(Object object, NSDictionary mapping)
          If object implements EOKeyValueCodingAdditions, this method invokes valuesForKeysWithMapping on object.
 NSDictionary EOKeyValueArchiver.dictionary()
          Returns the property list which represents the object archive.
 NSDictionary EOFetchSpecification.hints()
          Returns the receiver's hints, which other objects can use to alter or optimize fetch operations.
static NSDictionary EOEvent.eventTypeDescriptions(Class aClass)
          Used to determine event types and descriptions for a family of events.
 NSDictionary EOEnterpriseObject.changesFromSnapshot(NSDictionary snapshot)
          Returns a dictionary whose keys correspond to the receiver's properties with uncommitted changes relative to snapshot, and whose values are the uncommitted values.
 NSDictionary EOEnterpriseObject.snapshot()
          Returns a dictionary whose keys are those of the receiver's attributes, to-one relationships, and to-many relationships, and whose values are the values of those properties, with EONullValue substituted for null.
 NSDictionary EOEditingContext.committedSnapshotForObject(EOEnterpriseObject object)
          Returns a dictionary containing a snapshot of object that reflects its committed values (that is, its values as they were last committed to the database).
 NSDictionary EOEditingContext.currentEventSnapshotForObject(EOEnterpriseObject object)
          Returns a dictionary containing a snapshot of object that reflects its state as it was at the beginning of the current event loop.
 NSDictionary EOCustomObject.changesFromSnapshot(NSDictionary snapshot)
          Returns a dictionary whose keys correspond to the receiver's properties with uncommitted changes relative to snapshot, and whose values are the uncommitted values.
 NSDictionary EOCustomObject.snapshot()
          Returns a dictionary whose keys are those of the receiver's attributes, to-one relationships, and to-many relationships, and whose values are the values of those properties, with EONullValue substituted for null.
 NSDictionary EOCustomObject.valuesForKeys(NSArray keys)
          Returns an NSDictionary containing the property values identified by each element in keys.
 NSDictionary EOCustomObject.valuesForKeysWithMapping(NSDictionary mapping)
          Returns an NSDictionary containing the property values identified by each of the key-value pairs in mapping.
abstract  NSDictionary EOCooperatingObjectStore.valuesForKeys(NSArray keys, EOEnterpriseObject object)
          Overridden by subclasses to return values (as identified by keys) held by the receiver that augment properties in object.

Methods in com.webobjects.eocontrol with parameters of type NSDictionary
static EOQualifier EOQualifier.qualifierToMatchAllValues(NSDictionary values)
          Takes a dictionary of search criteria, from which the method creates EOKeyValueQualifiers (one for each dictionary entry).
static EOQualifier EOQualifier.qualifierToMatchAnyValue(NSDictionary values)
          Takes a dictionary of search criteria, from which the method creates EOKeyValueQualifiers (one for each dictionary entry).
abstract  EOQualifier EOQualifier.qualifierWithBindings(NSDictionary bindings, boolean requiresAll)
          Returns a new qualifier substituting all variables with values found in bindings.
 EOQualifier EOOrQualifier.qualifierWithBindings(NSDictionary bindings, boolean requiresAll)
          Returns a qualifier with the values associated by the bindings.
 EOEnterpriseObject EOObjectStoreCoordinator.faultForRawRow(NSDictionary row, String entityName, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Implementation for faultForRawRow inherited from EOObjectStore.
 void EOObjectStoreCoordinator.forwardUpdateForObject(EOEnterpriseObject object, NSDictionary changes)
          Tells the receiver to forward a message from an EOCooperatingObjectStore to another store, informing it that changes need to be made to object.
 void EOObjectStoreCoordinator.setUserInfo(NSDictionary userInfo)
          Sets the dictionary of auxiliary data, which your application can use for whatever it needs.
abstract  EOEnterpriseObject EOObjectStore.faultForRawRow(NSDictionary row, String entityName, EOEditingContext context)
          Returns a fault for the enterprise object corresponding to row, which is a dictionary of values containing at least the primary key of the corresponding enterprise object.
 EOQualifier EONotQualifier.qualifierWithBindings(NSDictionary bindings, boolean requiresAll)
          Returns a new qualifier substituting all variables with values found in bindings.
 EOQualifier EOKeyValueQualifier.qualifierWithBindings(NSDictionary bindings, boolean requiresAll)
          Implements the abstract version of this method defined in EOQualfier.
 void EOKeyValueCodingAdditions.takeValuesFromDictionary(NSDictionary dictionary)
          Sets properties of the receiver with values from dictionary, using its keys to identify the properties.
 void EOKeyValueCodingAdditions.takeValuesFromDictionaryWithMapping(NSDictionary dictionary, NSDictionary mapping)
          Sets properties of the receiver with values from dictionary, using its keys and mapping to identify the properties.
 NSDictionary EOKeyValueCodingAdditions.valuesForKeysWithMapping(NSDictionary mapping)
          Returns a dictionary containing the property values identified by each of the key-value pairs in mapping.
static void EOKeyValueCodingAdditions.DefaultImplementation.takeValuesFromDictionary(Object object, NSDictionary dictionary)
          Sets properties of object with values from dictionary, using its keys to identify the properties.
static void EOKeyValueCodingAdditions.DefaultImplementation.takeValuesFromDictionaryWithMapping(Object object, NSDictionary dictionary, NSDictionary mapping)
          Sets properties of object with values from dictionary, using its keys and mapping to identify the properties.
static NSDictionary EOKeyValueCodingAdditions.DefaultImplementation.valuesForKeysWithMapping(Object object, NSDictionary mapping)
          Returns a dictionary containing the property values of object identified by each of the key-value pairs in mapping.
static void EOKeyValueCodingAdditions.Utility.takeValuesFromDictionary(Object object, NSDictionary dictionary)
          If object implements EOKeyValueCodingAdditions, this method invokes takeValuesFromDictionary on object.
static void EOKeyValueCodingAdditions.Utility.takeValuesFromDictionaryWithMapping(Object object, NSDictionary dictionary, NSDictionary mapping)
          If object implements EOKeyValueCodingAdditions, this method invokes takeValuesFromDictionaryWithMapping on object.
static NSDictionary EOKeyValueCodingAdditions.Utility.valuesForKeysWithMapping(Object object, NSDictionary mapping)
          If object implements EOKeyValueCodingAdditions, this method invokes valuesForKeysWithMapping on object.
 EOQualifier EOKeyComparisonQualifier.qualifierWithBindings(NSDictionary bindings, boolean requiresAll)
          Overriding EOQualifier's behavior.
 EOFetchSpecification EOFetchSpecification.fetchSpecificationWithQualifierBindings(NSDictionary bindings)
          Applies bindings from bindings to the receiver's qualifier if there is one, and returns a new fetch specification that can be used in a fetch.
 void EOFetchSpecification.setHints(NSDictionary hints)
          Sets the receiver's hints to hints.
 NSDictionary EOEnterpriseObject.changesFromSnapshot(NSDictionary snapshot)
          Returns a dictionary whose keys correspond to the receiver's properties with uncommitted changes relative to snapshot, and whose values are the uncommitted values.
 void EOEnterpriseObject.reapplyChangesFromDictionary(NSDictionary changes)
          Similar to takeValuesFromDictionary, but the changes dictionary can contain arrays for to-many relationships.
 void EOEnterpriseObject.updateFromSnapshot(NSDictionary snapshot)
          Takes the values from snapshot, and sets the receiver's properties to them.
 EOEnterpriseObject EOEditingContext.faultForRawRow(NSDictionary row, String entityName, EOEditingContext context)
          Returns a fault for the raw row row by invoking faultForRawRow on this EOEditingContext's parent EOObjectStore with context as the editing context.
 EOEnterpriseObject EOEditingContext.faultForRawRow(NSDictionary row, String entityName)
          Returns a fault for the raw row row.
 NSDictionary EOCustomObject.changesFromSnapshot(NSDictionary snapshot)
          Returns a dictionary whose keys correspond to the receiver's properties with uncommitted changes relative to snapshot, and whose values are the uncommitted values.
 void EOCustomObject.reapplyChangesFromDictionary(NSDictionary changes)
          Similar to takeValuesFromDictionary, but the changes dictionary can contain arrays for to-many relationships.
 void EOCustomObject.takeValuesFromDictionary(NSDictionary dictionary)
          Sets properties of the receiver with values from dictionary, using its keys to identify the properties.
 void EOCustomObject.takeValuesFromDictionaryWithMapping(NSDictionary dictionary, NSDictionary mapping)
          Sets properties of the receiver with values from dictionary, using its keys and mapping to identify the properties.
 void EOCustomObject.updateFromSnapshot(NSDictionary snapshot)
          Takes the values from snapshot, and sets the receiver's properties to them.
 NSDictionary EOCustomObject.valuesForKeysWithMapping(NSDictionary mapping)
          Returns an NSDictionary containing the property values identified by each of the key-value pairs in mapping.
abstract  void EOCooperatingObjectStore.recordUpdateForObject(EOEnterpriseObject object, NSDictionary changes)
          Overridden by subclasses to communicate from one EOCooperatingObjectStore to another (through the EOObjectStoreCoordinator) that changes need to be made to the an EOEnterpriseObject.

Constructors in com.webobjects.eocontrol with parameters of type NSDictionary
EOKeyValueUnarchiver(NSDictionary dictionary)
          Creates a new EOKeyValueUnarchiver to decode the property list dictionary.
EOFetchSpecification(String entityName, EOQualifier qualifier, NSArray sortOrderings, boolean usesDistinct, boolean isDeep, NSDictionary hints)
          Creates a new EOFetchSpecification with the arguments specified.

Uses of NSDictionary in com.webobjects.eodistribution

Methods in com.webobjects.eodistribution that return NSDictionary
 NSDictionary WOJavaClientJNLP.additionalMainArguments()
          Returns the additional command line parameters (in addition to the predefined, standard ones) which will be passed to the main method on the client.
 NSDictionary WOJavaClientComponent.clientSideRequestApplicationParameters()
          Returns a dictionary with the values of all the client bindings that have been set.
 NSDictionary WOJavaClientApplet.clientSideRequestApplicationParameters()
          Deprecated. Returns a dictionary with the values of all the client bindings that have been set.

Methods in com.webobjects.eodistribution with parameters of type NSDictionary
 void WOJavaClientJNLP.setAdditionalMainArguments(NSDictionary additionalMainArguments)
          Sets additional command line parameters (in addition to the predefined, standard ones) which will be passed to the main method on the client.

Uses of NSDictionary in com.webobjects.eodistribution.client

Methods in com.webobjects.eodistribution.client that return NSDictionary
 NSDictionary EODistributionChannel.connectionDictionary()
          Returns the connection dictionary used to connect to the server.

Methods in com.webobjects.eodistribution.client with parameters of type NSDictionary
 void EODistributionChannel.setConnectionDictionary(NSDictionary connectionDictionary)
          Sets the connection dictionary to be used to connect to the server.
 EOEnterpriseObject EODistributedObjectStore.faultForRawRow(NSDictionary row, String entityName, EOEditingContext editingContext)
          Creates a to-one fault for an enterprise object identified by the raw row row and the entity name entityName, registers it in the editing context editingContext, and returns the fault.

Uses of NSDictionary in com.webobjects.eogeneration

Methods in com.webobjects.eogeneration that return NSDictionary
 NSDictionary EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillEvaluateRules(EOControllerFactory factory, NSDictionary specification)
 NSDictionary EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillUseSpecificationForController(EOControllerFactory factory, NSDictionary specification, String entityName, String taskName)
 NSDictionary EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillUseSpecificationForModalDialogController(EOControllerFactory factory, NSDictionary specification, String taskName)
 NSDictionary EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillUseSpecificationForModalDialogWithSelectByInsertingController(EOControllerFactory factory, NSDictionary specification, String entityName)
 NSDictionary EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillUseSpecificationForModalDialogWithSelectController(EOControllerFactory factory, NSDictionary specification, String entityName)
 NSDictionary EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillUseSpecificationForWindowController(EOControllerFactory factory, NSDictionary specification, String taskName)
 NSDictionary EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillUseSpecificationForWindowWithInsertController(EOControllerFactory factory, NSDictionary specification, String entityName)
 NSDictionary EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillUseSpecificationForWindowWithListController(EOControllerFactory factory, NSDictionary specification, String entityName)
 NSDictionary EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillUseSpecificationForWindowWithOpenController(EOControllerFactory factory, NSDictionary specification, String entityName)
 NSDictionary EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillUseSpecificationForWindowWithQueryController(EOControllerFactory factory, NSDictionary specification, String entityName)

Methods in com.webobjects.eogeneration with parameters of type NSDictionary
protected  void EOQueryController.controllerDidLoadArchive(NSDictionary namedObjects)
 boolean EOFormController.insertNewObjectWithRelationshipPathsFilled(NSDictionary relationshipPathToGlobalIDsMapTable)
 EOController EOControllerFactory.controllerWithSpecification(NSDictionary specification, boolean checkRulesIfUnknown)
protected  int EOControllerFactory.defaultReuseModeForSpecification(NSDictionary specification)
 Object EOControllerFactory.evaluateRules(NSDictionary specification)
 boolean EOControllerFactory.hasControllerWithSpecification(NSDictionary specification, boolean checkRulesIfUnknown)
 NSDictionary EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillEvaluateRules(EOControllerFactory factory, NSDictionary specification)
 EOController EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillReturnControllerForSpecification(EOControllerFactory factory, EOController controller, NSDictionary specification)
 int EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillReuseControllersForSpecificationWithMode(EOControllerFactory factory, int reuseMode, NSDictionary specification)
 NSDictionary EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillUseSpecificationForController(EOControllerFactory factory, NSDictionary specification, String entityName, String taskName)
 NSDictionary EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillUseSpecificationForModalDialogController(EOControllerFactory factory, NSDictionary specification, String taskName)
 NSDictionary EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillUseSpecificationForModalDialogWithSelectByInsertingController(EOControllerFactory factory, NSDictionary specification, String entityName)
 NSDictionary EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillUseSpecificationForModalDialogWithSelectController(EOControllerFactory factory, NSDictionary specification, String entityName)
 NSDictionary EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillUseSpecificationForWindowController(EOControllerFactory factory, NSDictionary specification, String taskName)
 NSDictionary EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillUseSpecificationForWindowWithInsertController(EOControllerFactory factory, NSDictionary specification, String entityName)
 NSDictionary EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillUseSpecificationForWindowWithListController(EOControllerFactory factory, NSDictionary specification, String entityName)
 NSDictionary EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillUseSpecificationForWindowWithOpenController(EOControllerFactory factory, NSDictionary specification, String entityName)
 NSDictionary EOControllerFactory.Delegate.controllerFactoryWillUseSpecificationForWindowWithQueryController(EOControllerFactory factory, NSDictionary specification, String entityName)
 boolean EOControllerFactory.Insert.insertNewObjectWithRelationshipPathsFilled(NSDictionary relationshipPathToGlobalIDsMapTable)

Uses of NSDictionary in com.webobjects.eogeneration.rules

Methods in com.webobjects.eogeneration.rules that return NSDictionary
 NSDictionary EOXMLComponent.arguments()
 NSDictionary EOSpecification.specification()

Methods in com.webobjects.eogeneration.rules with parameters of type NSDictionary
 void EOXMLComponent.setArguments(NSDictionary arguments)
 Object EOXMLComponent.xmlWithArguments(NSDictionary arguments)

Constructors in com.webobjects.eogeneration.rules with parameters of type NSDictionary
EOSwitchComponent(String aName, NSDictionary associations, WOElement aTemplate)

Uses of NSDictionary in com.webobjects.eointerface

Methods in com.webobjects.eointerface that return NSDictionary
 NSDictionary EODisplayGroup.equalToQueryValues()
          Returns the receiver's dictionary of equalTo query values.
 NSDictionary EODisplayGroup.greaterThanQueryValues()
          Returns the receiver's dictionary of greaterThan query values.
 NSDictionary EODisplayGroup.insertedObjectDefaultValues()
          Returns the default values to be used for newly inserted objects.
 NSDictionary EODisplayGroup.lessThanQueryValues()
          Returns the receiver's dictionary of lessThan query values.
 NSDictionary EODisplayGroup.queryBindingValues()
          Returns a dictionary containing the actual values that the user wants to query upon.
 NSDictionary EODisplayGroup.queryOperatorValues()
          Returns a dictionary of operators to use on items in the query dictionaries (equalToQueryValues, greaterThanQueryValues, and lessThanQueryValues).

Methods in com.webobjects.eointerface with parameters of type NSDictionary
 void EODisplayGroup.setEqualToQueryValues(NSDictionary values)
          Sets to values the receiver's dictionary of equalTo query values.
 void EODisplayGroup.setGreaterThanQueryValues(NSDictionary values)
          Sets to values the receiver's dictionary of greaterThan query values.
 void EODisplayGroup.setInsertedObjectDefaultValues(NSDictionary defaultValues)
          Sets default values to be used for newly inserted objects.
 void EODisplayGroup.setLessThanQueryValues(NSDictionary values)
          Sets to values the receiver's dictionary of lessThan query values.
 void EODisplayGroup.setQueryBindingValues(NSDictionary values)
          Sets the dictionary of values that a user wants to query on.
 void EODisplayGroup.setQueryOperatorValues(NSDictionary values)
          Sets the dictionary of operators to use on items in the query dictionaries ( equalToQueryValues, greaterThanQueryValues, and lessThanQueryValues).

Uses of NSDictionary in com.webobjects.foundation

Subclasses of NSDictionary in com.webobjects.foundation
 class NSMutableDictionary
          The NSMutableDictionary class adds methods to insert, modify, and remove elements to the API of its parent class NSDictionary.

Fields in com.webobjects.foundation declared as NSDictionary
static NSDictionary NSDictionary.EmptyDictionary
          A NSDictionary instance containing no entries which may be shared.

Methods in com.webobjects.foundation that return NSDictionary
 NSDictionary NSValidation.ValidationException.userInfo()
          Deprecated. Access the individual entries using the NSValidation.ValidationException.key() and NSValidation.ValidationException.object() methods.
static NSDictionary NSTimeZone.abbreviationDictionary()
          Provides the mappings of time zone abbreviations to time zone names.
static NSDictionary NSPropertyListSerialization.dictionaryForString(String string)
          Parses the property list representation string and returns the resulting property list as an NSDictionary.
static NSDictionary NSProperties.dictionaryForKey(String aKey)
          Deprecated. Instead, find the system property using System.getProperty and convert the property to an NSDictionary using NSPropertyListSerialization.dictionaryForString
static NSDictionary NSProperties.valuesFromArgv(String[] argv)
          Parses a String array of properties.
 NSDictionary NSNotification.userInfo()
          Returns the notification's userInfo dictionary.
 NSDictionary NSMutableDictionary.immutableClone()
          Creates a new NSDictionary with the same collection of keys and their values as this dictionary currently contains.
 NSDictionary NSKeyValueCoding.UnknownKeyException.userInfo()
          Deprecated. The object and key methods should be used instead
 NSDictionary NSDictionary.immutableClone()
          Since NSDictionaries are immutable, there's no need to make an actual copy.
 NSDictionary NSBundle.infoDictionary()
          Deprecated. Do not use this method.

Methods in com.webobjects.foundation with parameters of type NSDictionary
 void NSNotificationCenter.postNotification(String notificationName, Object notificationObject, NSDictionary userInfo)
          Creates a notification with the name notificationName, associates it with the object notificationObject and dictionary userInfo, and posts it to the notification center.
 void NSMutableDictionary.addEntriesFromDictionary(NSDictionary otherDictionary)
          Adds all the entries from otherDictionary to this dictionary.
 void NSMutableDictionary.setDictionary(NSDictionary otherDictionary)
          Replaces this dictionary's entries with those in otherDictionary.
 boolean NSDictionary.isEqualToDictionary(NSDictionary otherDictionary)
          Provided for backward compatibility.

Constructors in com.webobjects.foundation with parameters of type NSDictionary
NSValidation.ValidationException(String message, NSDictionary userInfo)
          Deprecated. Use NSValidation.ValidationException.NSValidation.ValidationException(String, Object, String)
NSNotification(String name, Object object, NSDictionary userInfo)
          Initializes and returns a notification with name name, object object, and arbitrary user information userInfo.
NSMutableDictionary(NSDictionary otherDictionary)
          Creates a new NSMutableDictionary containing the keys and values found in otherDictionary.
NSKeyValueCoding.UnknownKeyException(String message, NSDictionary userInfo)
          Deprecated. Use NSKeyValueCoding.UnknownKeyException.NSKeyValueCoding.UnknownKeyException(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) instead.
NSDictionary(NSDictionary otherDictionary)
          Creates a dictionary containing the keys and values found in otherDictionary.

Uses of NSDictionary in com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor

Methods in com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor that return NSDictionary
 NSDictionary SybasePlugIn.jdbcInfo()
 NSDictionary OraclePlugIn.jdbcInfo()
 NSDictionary OpenBasePlugIn.jdbcInfo()
 NSDictionary OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseSynchronizationFactory.objectStoreChangesFromAttributeToAttribute(EOAttribute schemaAttribute, EOAttribute modelAttribute)
 NSDictionary MySQLPlugIn.jdbcInfo()
 NSDictionary MicrosoftPlugIn.jdbcInfo()
 NSDictionary JDBCPlugIn.databaseInformation()
 NSDictionary JDBCPlugIn.jdbcInfo()
          Returns database-specific information about the JDBC data source.
protected  NSDictionary JDBCExpression.jdbcInfo()
 NSDictionary JDBCChannel.generateExecuteStoredProcedureExpression(EOStoredProcedure storedProcedure, NSDictionary values)
          Invoked by executeStoredProcedure to parse the supplied text, usually from an EOModel, and generate a string for the expression and an NSArray of bindings for the values of the stored procedure's parameters.
 NSDictionary JDBCChannel.primaryKeyForNewRowWithEntity(EOEntity entity)
 NSDictionary JDBCChannel.returnValuesForLastStoredProcedureInvocation()
protected static NSDictionary JDBCAdaptor.getJDBCInfoWithConnectionDictionary(NSDictionary connectionDictionary)
protected  NSDictionary JDBCAdaptor.jdbcInfo()
          Returns an NSDictionary of database-specific information.
protected  NSDictionary JDBCAdaptor.typeInfo()
          Returns an NSDictionary of external type information.
protected static NSDictionary JDBCAdaptor.typeInfoForModel(EOModel model)

Methods in com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor with parameters of type NSDictionary
 NSArray SybasePlugIn.SybaseSynchronizationFactory.statementsToRenameTableNamed(String tableName, String newName, NSDictionary options)
 Properties OraclePlugIn.connectionPropertiesForConnectionDictionary(NSDictionary connectionDictionary)
 void OraclePlugIn.updateLOBs(JDBCChannel channel, JDBCExpression expression, NSDictionary row, EOEntity entity)
 String OraclePlugIn.OracleExpression.assembleUpdateStatementWithRow(NSDictionary row, EOQualifier qualifier, String tableList, String updateList, String whereClause)
 NSArray OraclePlugIn.OracleSynchronizationFactory.createDatabaseStatementsForConnectionDictionary(NSDictionary connectionDictionary, NSDictionary administrativeConnectionDictionary)
 NSArray OraclePlugIn.OracleSynchronizationFactory.dropDatabaseStatementsForConnectionDictionary(NSDictionary connectionDictionary, NSDictionary administrativeConnectionDictionary)
 boolean OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseSynchronizationFactory.isColumnTypeEquivalentToColumnType(EOSchemaSynchronization.ColumnTypes candidate, EOSchemaSynchronization.ColumnTypes columnType, NSDictionary options)
 NSArray OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseSynchronizationFactory.statementsToDropForeignKeyConstraintsOnEntityGroups(NSArray entityGroups, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
 NSArray OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseSynchronizationFactory.statementsToDropPrimaryKeyConstraintsOnEntityGroups(NSArray entityGroups, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
 NSArray OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseSynchronizationFactory.statementsToImplementPrimaryKeyConstraintsOnEntityGroups(NSArray entityGroups, NSDictionary changes, NSDictionary options)
 NSArray OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseSynchronizationFactory.statementsToModifyColumnNullRule(String columnName, String tableName, boolean allowsNull, NSDictionary options)
 NSArray OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseSynchronizationFactory.statementsToRenameColumnNamed(String columnName, String tableName, String newName, NSDictionary options)
 NSArray OpenBasePlugIn.OpenBaseSynchronizationFactory.statementsToRenameTableNamed(String tableName, String newName, NSDictionary options)
 NSArray MySQLPlugIn.MySQLSynchronizationFactory.statementsToRenameTableNamed(String tableName, String newName, NSDictionary options)
 NSArray MicrosoftPlugIn.MicrosoftSynchronizationFactory.statementsToRenameTableNamed(String tableName, String newName, NSDictionary options)
 Properties JDBCPlugIn.connectionPropertiesForConnectionDictionary(NSDictionary connectionDictionary)
          Returns a Properties object that should be used for setting up a connection environment.
 EOAttribute JDBCPlugIn.createAttributeForRow(NSDictionary row)
 EOStoredProcedure JDBCPlugIn.storedProcedureNamed(String spName, JDBCChannel channel, NSDictionary jdbcTypeDictionary)
 void JDBCPlugIn.updateLOBs(JDBCChannel channel, JDBCExpression expr, NSDictionary row, EOEntity entity)
          Update LOBs (BLOBs and CLOBs).
protected  void JDBCExpression.setJDBCInfo(NSDictionary jdbcInfo)
 void JDBCChannel.executeStoredProcedure(EOStoredProcedure storedProcedure, NSDictionary dictionary)
 NSDictionary JDBCChannel.generateExecuteStoredProcedureExpression(EOStoredProcedure storedProcedure, NSDictionary values)
          Invoked by executeStoredProcedure to parse the supplied text, usually from an EOModel, and generate a string for the expression and an NSArray of bindings for the values of the stored procedure's parameters.
 void JDBCChannel.insertRow(NSDictionary row, EOEntity entity)
 int JDBCChannel.updateValuesInRowsDescribedByQualifier(NSDictionary row, EOQualifier qualifier, EOEntity entity)
protected static NSDictionary JDBCAdaptor.getJDBCInfoWithConnectionDictionary(NSDictionary connectionDictionary)
 void JDBCAdaptor.setConnectionDictionary(NSDictionary dictionary)

Uses of NSDictionary in com.webobjects.jndiadaptor

Methods in com.webobjects.jndiadaptor that return NSDictionary
 NSDictionary JNDIChannel.returnValuesForLastStoredProcedureInvocation()

Methods in com.webobjects.jndiadaptor with parameters of type NSDictionary
 String LDAPPlugIn.relativeDistinguishedNameForNewRow(NSDictionary row, EOAttribute relativeDistinguishedNameAttribute, String currentRelativeDistinguishedNameAttributeValue)
          Gets the relative distinguished name for a new row.
 String JNDIPlugIn.relativeDistinguishedNameForNewRow(NSDictionary row, EOAttribute relativeDistinguishedNameAttribute, String currentRelativeDistinguishedNameAttributeValue)
          Gets the relative distinguished name for a new row.
 void JNDIChannel.executeStoredProcedure(EOStoredProcedure storedProcedure, NSDictionary values)
 void JNDIChannel.insertRow(NSDictionary row, EOEntity entity)
 int JNDIChannel.updateValuesInRowsDescribedByQualifier(NSDictionary row, EOQualifier qualifier, EOEntity entity)
 void JNDIAdaptor.setConnectionDictionary(NSDictionary dictionary)

Uses of NSDictionary in com.webobjects.webservices.client

Methods in com.webobjects.webservices.client that return NSDictionary
 NSDictionary WOWebServiceClient.operationsDictionaryForService(String serviceName)
          Returns an NSDictionary containing a mapping of operation name to WOClientOperation instance for for all operations defined on the Web service named serviceName.
 NSDictionary WOWebService.operationsDictionary()
          Return an NSDictionary containing name to WOClientOperation mappings for all operations published in this service.

Uses of NSDictionary in com.webobjects.webservices.support.xml

Methods in com.webobjects.webservices.support.xml that return NSDictionary
 NSDictionary WOStringKeyMap.dictionary()
          Create and return an NSDictionary containing the keys and values in the receiver.

Constructors in com.webobjects.webservices.support.xml with parameters of type NSDictionary
WOStringKeyMap(NSDictionary d)
          Create a WOStringKeyMap and initialize values from d.

Uses of NSDictionary in com.webobjects.woextensions

Fields in com.webobjects.woextensions declared as NSDictionary
 NSDictionary WOStatsPage.detailsDict
 NSDictionary WOStatsPage.directActionsDict
 NSDictionary WOStatsPage.memoryDict
 NSDictionary WOStatsPage.pagesDict
 NSDictionary WOStatsPage.sessionMemoryDict
 NSDictionary WOStatsPage.statsDict
 NSDictionary WOStatsPage.transactions

Methods in com.webobjects.woextensions that return NSDictionary
 NSDictionary WODictionaryRepetition.dictionary()

Constructors in com.webobjects.woextensions with parameters of type NSDictionary
WOMethodInvocation(String aName, NSDictionary associations, WOElement template)

Last updated Thu Oct 21 15:04:16 PDT 2004.

Copyright © 2004 Apple Computer, Inc.